Shipping delays

The good news is Tattoo was released on schedule in the UK on May 6 and has been well received. This photo of the Tattoo display in a window of the Cambridge University Press Bookshop was taken on release day. The bad and frustrating news is that shipments to the US have been delayed by COVID-related shipping disruptions. The latest word I have is that books should be distributed for the US market within the next few days, and they can be ordered now. I haven’t yet seen a hardback copy of Tattoo, only the paperback Advanced Reading Copy. I did buy the ebook which is available now, and I was very pleased with the way it turned out. The audiobook should be available within a week or two. It was read by actor Trevor White. I had a chance to exchange several emails with Trevor and listen to a sample of the recording, and I think he did a really good job. He is a Canadian who has lived in London for many years, and he can do an American accent flawlessly. I know that in the greater scheme of things this short delay in book availability isn’t very important, but it is driving this fledgling author crazy!

2 Responses

  1. Kim says:

    Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to receiving my copy. I also love audible books, so was glad to hear that would be available soon too. Dr. Gibbs, I would like to Thank you for writing the book and telling your story.

  2. Dan says:

    Thanks for your kind comment Kim. Everyone at Cambridge is doing everything they can to get the book into readers’ hands as quickly as possible, so I’m trying to be patient.