Category: Photography

Things to look for in the New Year

Perhaps the biggest Alzheimer’s news in 2021 was the controversial FDA approval of the anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody Aduhelm (aducanumab).  Controversy surrounds the mixed results of two parallel phase 3 trials.  Both trials showed efficacy at removing...

Cheese, please?

Among the lifestyle modifications that can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and slow its progression is adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet. The MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is an amalgam of the...

The wreck of the Glenesslin

After finishing my neurology training, I joined a group practice associated with Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland. As part of the décor for my new office, I picked out several old photographs from the...

Sailing with friends

In 1999 my friend John and I took a week-long sailing course to qualify for bareboat chartering, renting a boat without hired captain and crew. The course took place in the waters of the...

Along the river

A few days ago, my friend John Harland and I motored through the Columbia River Gorge on my mini tug, Lizzie G.  In the Pacific Northwest and perhaps elsewhere there used to be a tradition...

Family on the Fourth of July

I’ve always loved the Fourth of July.  Fireworks were a big part of the holiday for as long as I can remember. When I was a child, we would usually spend most of the summer...

A day on Bald Mountain

Yesterday my friend Henry and I hiked about 7 miles in and out on a segment of the Timberline Trail in the Mt. Hood Wilderness. The Timberline Trail is a 41.2-mile loop that circumnavigates...

Sensory triggers of memory

Marcel Proust famously wrote in his semi-autobiographical novel Remembrance of Things Past published in 1913 how the smell and taste of a tea-soaked madeleine cake evoked the childhood memory of breakfast with his Aunt Léonie. The...

Eagle eyes

During the thirty-five years we have lived in Portland, Oregon, sightings of bald eagles have become much more common.  The species is thriving.  It is still a thrill to see one soaring over our house or...