Book and film news

Today is the release date both in the US and UK for the paperback edition of A Tattoo on my Brain. It is essentially the same as the hardback edition with the addition of a new, second epilogue that brings some things up to date, and the price is approximately half that of the hardback edition. The links to booksellers on the Tattoo website only work for Cambridge University Press. The others still link to the hardback edition only. I hope to figure out how to fix that soon. This Amazon link that was sent to me by CUP does work as of today.
The other exciting book news is that Cambridge University Press has accepted my new book with the working title of Dispatches from the Land of Alzheimer’s. It is a collection of essays that I have written over the last two years. Some of the essays started out as posts on this blog and have since been expanded and updated as needed. Others were written specifically for this book. Three of the essays are based on papers I have published elsewhere. I don’t yet know when the book will be released, but I will keep everyone up to date as the project progresses.
Finally, the production of the documentary film of Tattoo is moving along. I have been told that a rough cut has been completed, but there still are several months of editing to go followed by final approval by the producers.

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